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Charles Matthews, ’78

Trustee Charles Matthews Gives Back to the College that Prepared Him for Success

January 17, 2024

Talladega College Trustee Mr. Charles Matthews, ’78, and his sisters Gladys Matthews, ’74 (deceased) and Belinda Matthews Stenson, ’82, all graduated from Talladega College. “The Matthews not only benefited from 12 straight years of warmth and nurturing at Talladega, but also a rigorous academic program that prepared us to obtain master’s degrees within two years of graduation and have successful professional careers,” he said.

Since graduation, Trustee Matthews has had a successful career in the energy industry, and in 2015 was named CEO of People Gas and North Shore Gas. He also has given his time, treasure, and talent to Talladega College. As a trustee, he wants to make sure that deserving young people have the same opportunities that he had. “That can only happen if Talladega is financially stable,” he said.

Matthews draws inspiration from other alumni who give as well. “Every alumnus who makes a contribution influences me to give as much as I can,” said Matthews. He draws additional inspiration from the significant contributions given by alumni such as Dr. William Harvey, Ms. Essye Miller, Mr. James Cole, Mr. Henry Coaxum, and Mr. Harry Coaxum—several of whom have served as trustees.

Yet Matthews knows that contributions of time and talent can be just as important to the College. “The institution needs management expertise as well as financial resources,” he added, but acknowledged that it is sobering to realize how much remains to be done at the College. He encourages others to give to their beloved alma mater as well.

“Your gift will have a significant impact on the lives of many young people deserving of an opportunity to make meaningful contributions to communities not just in Alabama, not just the US, but across the entire world!” said Matthews.